Friday, August 31, 2012


This man is from my community and He came early this morning home and woke me up from bed to tell me He wants to help me having some more stones for the construction of the school. So, at this time I'm posting this message he's at work for the school, He is moving a lot of stones to the school new land and I've just taken these pictures with him. Praised God

Thursday, August 30, 2012


This is Pastor Henry Couser,from OM USA, He organized a movie for the children of SOSAEC HAITI, The movie was about Jesus and after the movie several children came to know God!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


During the storm in Haiti, The staff of SOSAEC HAITI visited all around the community while it was still raining to try to help people in the community, so much rain but we stayed under the rain in order to help at the same time. A lot of trees cut and fall down between houses in the community, there are those houses damaged, all sheet metal construction got damaged and Jean Charles,The founder of SOSAEC HAITI, with a harmer tried to fix those sheet metal during the rain. And I also house people home with babies during the storm. To God be all the Glory! Thank you Lord


In August 24, 2012. SOSAEC HAITI recieved a donation from Mike and Joan as donation for the contribution of the construction of the school in Haiti. I  bought some materials with that money to made these things. And here's also the receipt received from the company i bought those materials!

Friday, August 17, 2012


The SOSAEC HAITI is pleased to thank OM for all of their efforts to help us since the earthquake in Haiti on January 12th, 2010; to tell you, OM has a very very nice philosophy in helping more than 40 countries around the world included Haiti. One of the famous project experience with OM is the Self Help Project with ladies, Thank you OM!
Now, this report concerns the SHG in Carrefour and Leogane areas.
Ø  Let’s go over the one in Carrefour area first:
ü  In August 20th, 2010 I received 500 $ USD cash from OM in order to started with the first SHG.

Ø  Here’s the list of ladies in that group!
v  Marie Serette Lordé
v  Agine Jean Baptiste
v  Miss. Gregory Barthold
v  Germite Jean Baptiste

·         Fund to each:       2.500 HTG  x  4 Ladies  = 10.000 HTG
·         Haitian Currency:  500 $ USD  =  19.875 HTG
·         19.875 HTG  -  10.000  =  9.875 HTG
·         Documents: 9.875 HTG  -  500 HTG  =  9.375 HTG

v  Noted:
§  With the 9.375 HTG we had in cash, it was started with another group in Petit Harpon to the country side in January 15th, 2012 to the South East of Haiti.

Ø  Here’s the list of ladies in that group!
v  Anette Jean Baptiste
v  Ginette Fontus
v  Louiné Romulus

·         Fund to each:       2.500 HTG  x  3 Ladies  =  7.500 HTG
·         9.375 HTG  -  7.500 HTG  =  1.875 HTG
·         Documents: 1.875 HTG  -  375 HTG  =  1.500 HTG

ü  In treasure: 1.500 HTG            Available

Comment: The first group created in August 2010 is not meeting together but they are still running their small business, as you’ve known they left Carrefour area and live different areas, this is why I can’t give a full report for them!

Remark:     This new group started in January 15th, 2012 is very small but they are working seriously.

·         In June 6th, 2011 we started with a second group in Carrefour area, I received 250 $ USD from OM
ü  It is a group of 5:

o   Here’s the list of ladies in that group!
v  Venette Marc
v  Locita Silencieux
v  Georges Nadia Ceran
v  Marie Viana Jean Baptiste
v  Saintane Lordé

§  Fund to each:       2000 HTG  x  5 Ladies  =  10.000 HTG
§  Haitian Currency:  250 $ USD  =  10062.5 HTG
§  10062.5 HTG  -  10.000 HTG  =  62.5 HTG

ü  Documents: 62.5 HTG

Comment: This group started working in June 6th, 2011 and they meet together 1 day per month.

Remark: Each of the ladies give the % on time, their businesses are increasing and try to sell other products. From June 6th, 2011 to August 2012 they save up 350 HTG as % for the group!

Ps: They also provide their reports to me on time each month and renew every six (6) months.

·         In March 16th, 2011 I received 250$ USD cash from OM in order to started a SHG in Leogane.
ü  It is a group of 3:

o   Here’s the list of ladies in that group!
v  Marie Admise Pierre
v  Marie Therese Cenatus
v  Viergela Oscar

§  Fund to each:       2.500 HTG  x  3 Ladies  =  7.500 HTG
§  Haitian Currency:  250 $ USD  =  10062.5 HTG
§  10062.5 HTG  -  7.500 HTG  =  2562.5 HTG

ü  Documents: 275 HTG

Comment: This group started working in March 2011 and they meet all together every week, they provide the % each month regularly.

Remark: Each of the ladies give the % on time, their businesses are increasing. From March 2011 to August 2012 they save up 1.600 HTG as % for the group!

Ps: They also provide their reports to me on time each month and they have 1.375 in treasure


·         In general, currently, we’re helping 270 children! One hundred children in Carrefour area and one hundred and seventy in Petit Harpon to the South East of Haiti.
·         Let’s go over the school in Carrefour area, normally, we’ve 64 children regular in school.

·         Inconvenient: We don’t have enough seats for the children, we cannot pay the teachers and the place where we running the school was not our own and we should leave it before the reopening of the school in October 2012.

·         Other programs:
ü  We have a Vocational Training Center School for youths in Petit Harpon.
ü  We have a sponsorship program for children from 4 to 9 years old in Carrefour and Petit Harpon areas.
ü  We have a VBS program for kids
ü  We have Health Assistance program in Petit Harpon.
ü  We have Haiti Boutique Shop in Petit Harpon.

·         Future Projects:
ü  Food Program for children
ü  Church / School Construction
ü  Church Assistance



o   Teachers’ salary:
§  Per month:  100$ USD  x  6 Teachers = 600$ USD a month
§  10 months  x  600$ USD  = 6000$ USD a year

o   Seats:
§  80$ USD  x  50 Benches  = 4000$ USD

o   Land:
§  10.000$ USD

v Total: 20.000$ USD

v Haitian Currency:    837.000 HTG

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


They are 3 sacks of Ciments and a stuff of stones I've just recieved this morning from a lady in my community in Carrefour area. she brought them to me in SOSAEC and told me they are all as her contribution for when ever I'm going to build the school.


Monday, August 13, 2012


The Leaders of OM USA has just come in Haiti today and Had a meeting at Auberge Du Quebec today at 3 pm with Jean William Jean Charles,the Founder of SOSAEC HAITI. OM USA is the Organization that fund the SHG project with the ladies in SOSAEC HAITI since March 2010. Today, we discussed about the SHG project and after the meeting they went to see some of the ladies with Jean Charles and took pictures of their small businesses.They also went to visit our free school in Carrefour area. So, I gave a report to them about the SHG project from 2010 to 2012. We have 4 groups of ladies in that project. We have 2 groups in Carrefour, one group in leogane and one other group in Petit Harpon to the South East of Haiti. Ps: Other donors can involve in that project too in other to have fund to have more group! God bless you. 

Friday, August 10, 2012


                       Schekinah Social Work For Children & Communities in Haiti
Founder: Brother. Jean William JEAN CHARLES

August 11, 2012

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

May the Peace of God be with you! I’m pleased to write you today in order to see how if you are able to contribute with us to pay the teacher’s salary in our unpaid school for kids in Haiti.

We need 6000 $ USD every year to pay 6 teachers per month. Any contribution you can send us will complete with others that will send theirs to us especially for this purpose!

I’m looking forward to hear from you soon. May God bless you!

Brother Jean William JEAN CHARLES