1. The Concept of The Self Help Group:
The members of the Self Help Group (SHG) are linked by a common bond like community, place of origin or activity. The facilitators must have the experience to identify these natural groups which are commonly called “affinity groups”. What links the groups members is therefore a “capital stock” of relationships built on mutual trust and confidence, on mutual interests of the group members, on a degree of social and economic homogeneity and on the gut feeling of its members that the group offers the best opportunity to realise their latent and often suppressed aspirations to develop economically and socially without creating social tensions locally, with which they cannot cope.
The self help group is not a static institution; it grows on the resources and management skills of its members and their increasing confidence to get involved in issues and programmes that require their involvement in the public and private spheres.
Ps: If you would like to donate so to start more group in Tomgato - Petit Harpon, That'll be great! Contact me to know how you can donate for this cause. May God bless you!
E.mail: sosaec.haiti@yahoo.com
you may write in English, French or Creole! If you would like to talk too, come on Skype: sosaec.haiti
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