Friday, December 30, 2011


Never doubt if you're walking with your Lord, eventhough on the way you facing some problems, this, can not be a reason to doubt, the Lord knows you and the hard time you are in! Let draw you an illustration, someone that invited Jesus to walk with as he's going to walk 4 hours on feet to go to another part of his country and he invited Jesus to walk with! Jesus said ok, and the Lord tells him, I'll be with you and as many steps you do,I will put my feet in front of you first and the man agree with what Jesus tells him. Suddenly, He starts to walk and he can see the feet of Jesus before he puts his own feet, that's mean now he can see 4 feet, he walks 1 hour and he still see 4 feet, after two hours, he only see 2 feet and he's angry for that, after 3 hours, he can see 4 feet again and He said to Jesus, I'm angry Lord, when the hard time come before me on the road, you leave me and i can see only my feet walking. The Lord answers, no, no, no my Son, when you saw two feet, it was only my feet  and i put you on my back because i saw we will pass a difficult way or road that you won't have strength for that. This is to tell you my friends, Brothers and Sisters in Christ. God is with you all the time, never leave, do not discourage anymore, Never doubt of his presence, He can heal you, He can do all, have faith!!! May the Lord helps you understand and fire every negative thought you have about your future, your illness, any kind of diseases, have faith in the name of Jesus! 

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